Terms and Conditions Bonapi
1.1 In these terms of delivery, “applicant/client” means the person who registers himself or another person for a training at Bonapi BV, hereinafter referred to as a trainer, and “participant” means the person who has registered for a training at Bonapi BV and/or participates in a training at Bonapi BV.
1.2 Training is understood to mean a coherent whole of organized didactic activities contained in training material and/or education.
1.3 Course fees are understood to mean training fees and/or exam costs.
2.1 The general terms and conditions apply to all offers, activities, quotations, invoices and agreements for training and education between the entrepreneur and clients, respectively their legal successors.
3.1 Application for participation in the training may be made in writing or by telephone. The processing of the registration by the trainer is always non-binding and subject to reservation. Bonapi B.V. may reject your registration or order at any time.
3.2 Each registration is confirmed with an order confirmation to be sent by the training provider. This order confirmation states the name of the training, the place and time of the training. The training data provided by the trainer are subject to change.
3.3 As a result of the order confirmation, an agreement is created between the applicant and the trainer to which these terms and conditions apply.
3.4 Based on the order confirmation, the amount associated with the training will be owed to the trainer.
4.1 All quotations and offers from Bonapi BV are without obligation, unless a term for acceptance has been set in the quotation. If no acceptance period has been set, no rights can be derived in any way from the quotation or offer if the product to which the quotation or offer relates is no longer available in the meantime.
4.2 If there is an error in the quote or offer, it is obvious that Bonapi B.V. cannot be held responsible for it.
4.3. The prices stated in a quotation or offer are exclusive of VAT and other government levies, any costs to be incurred in the context of the agreement, including travel and accommodation costs, shipping and administration costs, unless stated otherwise.
4.4 If the acceptance (whether or not on minor points) deviates from the offer included in the quotation or offer, the trainer is not bound by it. The agreement will then not be concluded in accordance with this deviating acceptance, unless the Instructor indicates otherwise.
5.1 Opleider is te allen tijde gerechtigd de trainings/examen datum te wijzigen of de training/examen te annuleren. Opleider zal de aanmelder daarvan op zo kort mogelijke termijn op de hoogte brengen. Opleider zal voor zover mogelijk een nieuwe training/examen aanbieden. Indien zulks niet mogelijk zullen de reeds betaalde bedragen door opleider aan de aanmelder worden geretourneerd.
5.2 Tijdide afmelding voor SOG en IPAF betekent min. 72h voor de start van de cursus/examen, deze moet gemeld worden via email, binnen openingstijden van Bonapi BV, indien dat op tijd gemeld is worden er 50% van de gemaakte door de deelnemer/aanmelder kosten terugbetaald.
5.3 De opdrachtgever zorgt ervoor dat opleider op tijd kan beschikken over: de voor de opzet van het werk benodigde gegevens zoals gegevens van deelnemers voor deelname aan desbetreffende cursus, tijdige afmelding bij geen deelname, een en ander op aanwijzing van opleider. Tijdige afmelding betekent minimaal 72h voor de start van de cursus/examen, deze moet gemeld worden via email binnen openingstijden van Bonapi BV, indien dat op tijd gemeld is worden er 50% van de gemaakte door de deelnemer/aanmelder kosten terugbetaald.
5.4 De deelnemer/aanmelder mag de cursus/examen verplaatsen naar een ander data indien dit min. 72h voor de eerst afgesproken datum gebeurt, zonder extra kosten aan verbonden. De deelnemer/aanmelder mag de datum van de cursus maximaal 2 keer wijzigen.
5.5. Mocht de deelnemer/cursist door een geldige reden niet kunnen komen opdagen, dan dient dit tijdig voor deelname aan de cursus/examen te worden gemeld zie artikel 5.2 en artikel 5.3. Bij niet tijdige afzegging worden de kosten niet terugbetaald.
5.6 Bij wangedrag door deelnemer of indien de deelnemer in overtreding is met de gelden orde- en veiligheidsmaatregelen, en/of zichtbaar onder de invloed van alcohol en/of drug is opleider gerechtigd de deelnemer de toegang tot de les en het gebouw te ontzeggen, en de deelnemer uit de les/examen en het gebouw te verwijderen zonder dat er restitutie van het cursus/examen geld is verschuldigd. De opleider mag de deelnemer testen op alcohol promille percentage.
5.7 Indien de factuur voor de cursus/examen is betaald en de kandidaat zich tijdig afmeldt voor de cursus/examen, heeft hij/zij het recht om dit bedrag tot 3 maanden na factuurdatum te gebruiken, anders zal deze bedrag vervallen.
6.1 Payment must be made before the start of the course/training/exam.
6.2 If payment for an invoice is not received within the prescribed period, Bonapi B.V. has the right to charge the customer statutory interest, calculated from the date of sending the invoice.
6.3 Upon proper notice of delay (reminders), Bonapi B.V. has the right to claim all costs, in addition to the principal amount and interest, both in and out of court, caused by non-payment, including attorney, solicitor, agent, bailiff and debt collection company costs.
If one of the parties is in default after having been called upon by the other party, the latter is entitled to terminate the contract. The right to terminate exists whenever the other party: – goes bankrupt – applies for a suspension of payments or a rescheduling of the debt – a request for guardianship is made when the goods and/or claims have been seized – the customer – in the event of death or liquidation or customer solutions.
8.1 If for any reason (entire) part of the training cannot take place, Bonapi B.V. allow this part to be continued at a later date in agreement with the applicant or participant(s).
8.2 Bonapi B.V. does not bear any responsibility for costs and/or damages resulting from the cancellation of the training and/or the cancellation of part of the training or day (part) of the training.
8.3 Bonapi B.V. is not responsible for damages that may occur to the candidate and/or participant due to or in connection with or based on the content of teaching materials provided by the Instructor or lessons, advice and/or instructions given by the Instructor. The use of teaching materials by the applicant/participant, and compliance with the instructions and advice provided by the applicant/participant is entirely at his/her cost and risk.
8.4 Bonapi B.V. is not obliged to compensate commercial and/or consequential damages incurred by a non-consumer customer for an amount higher than the amount covered by professional liability insurance in a given case.
8.5 If the use of machines and materials without the supervision and/or consent of the trainer causes damage, this is entirely at your expense and risk.
9.1 All exams conducted or organized by or on behalf of the trainer are subject to the exam regulations, which will be made available to the participants of the training by the trainer.
9.2 In the case of examinations conducted by third parties, the trainer will make every effort to inform the participants about the applicable examination requirements in a timely manner.
9.3 Participants of the training and/or exam are required to present an identity card at the request of the lecturer, an employee of the training provider or an employee of an external examination agency, in accordance with the requirements of the Act on the obligation to identify.
9.4 In cases where the applicable examination regulations do not provide, the trainer decides.
10.1 Products purchased from Bonapi BV that have been used/opened/damaged are non-returnable.
10.2 Rental products that are not returned will be billed to the participant/customer who rented them.
10.3 Payment for products must be made prior to receipt of the products. If other agreements exist, this article does not apply.
10.4 Returns are accepted within 7 days of purchase.
11.1 Our employees make every effort to provide you with the best possible service. If you believe that an employee of Bonapi BV has not acted properly towards you or a third party, you can complain about this to Bonapi BV.
11.2 You may submit a complaint in writing. Send a description of your complaint, course or exam date and your details to:
Bonapi BV, Wattweg 39-43, 3208KH Spijkenisse.
11.3 The complaint handling procedure is as follows: After submitting a complaint, you will receive an acknowledgment of its receipt. Your complaint will be handled by a person other than the person involved in the complaint. Depending on the nature of the complaint, those involved in Bonapi BV will be heard. We may contact you by telephone to see if the explanation provided by Bonapi BV can resolve your complaint satisfactorily. You will have the opportunity to further explain your complaint. Bonapi BV treats the information you provide as strictly confidential. We will review your complaint within four weeks. This period may be extended by four weeks; we will inform you about it.